Firms participating in international marketing require specialized expertise regarding the global marketplace. These firms rely on professional international marketers to (1) identify market opportunities, (2) select and execute market entry strategy, and (3) design and manage a successful marketing mix. International marketers face efficiency and cost pressures to standardize their activities across markets as well as pressures to adapt activities to meet specific demands within markets. Identifying the optimal mix of standardization and adaptation to achieve local and international success is the goal that international marketers must accomplish.
This course is designed to arm you with the tools necessary to perform the duties of an international marketer. We discuss the implications of the global arena on competitive strategy, market research, segmentation, targeting, positioning, foreign market entry, and marketing mix activities. We also explore the differences between mature-, new-growth, and developing-market environments. In the latter part of the course, we examine how organizational structure and human resource strategies can be used to facilitate—and sometimes constrain—the international marketing process.
The final project in the course is a real-world deliverable: a professional international marketing plan (written document and oral presentation). Students will become familiar with the essential components of this standard industry tool and will experientially learn by applying course concepts to the final project.
Teaching Demo: Anna Teaching: MBA Course IBUS6201: International Marketing
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3