My teaching philosophy is supported by three dependent and mutually interactive pillars: empowerment, involvement, and contribution. It is my goal to foster a dynamic classroom environment in which these three elements are allowed to take on a life of their own. While these are interdependent concepts, allow me to discuss each one independently.
The first pillar, empowerment, speaks to my goal of triggering in students the realization that they are capable of comprehending the theory and guiding principles of international business and put them into action. Each course is designed to facilitate the process of students becoming critical, yet eloquent professionals in the global business arena. For example, building students’ confidence and capabilities to enable them to engage with real-life clients is as empowering for them as it is for me. To witness this process take off in a student is probably the single aspect of teaching that most strongly motivates me to always pour every ounce of my own capability and energy into the endeavor of teaching.
The second pillar, involvement, functions on different levels. First, I do encourage and require that students are present both in body and mind while in my classes. They build the narrative of the course and through their involvement we, as a class community, can visit new and unchartered territory together. Second, daring to go beyond the pinnacles of the planned and organized structure of a topic has the potential to allow for much dynamic self-exploration and new discoveries for the students as well as for myself as an instructor. This is another motivating factor in my role as a teacher. I want there to be a moment of self-realization and an unexpected piqued interest along the learning path.
The third pillar, contribution, addresses my expectation that students start thinking beyond the short-term goals and outcomes to the bigger picture of why they are studying business. Learning for the sake of only accomplishing the short-term goal of a high grade simply does not suffice and has little to do with long-term retention of knowledge and the ability to apply it. I require that my students find excitement about the topic and an understanding of the untapped opportunities of doing good in business while also doing well. Simply put, I want them to find a purpose for their own engagement with the field of business. This process is a critical step towards ultimately becoming a contributing member of both the business community and society as a whole.
Of course, the idea that you can achieve these outcomes in all students may not be entirely realistic. However, you can lead the way with your own actions in and beyond the classroom. Some students will follow, and they in turn will become the pillars of that particular classroom discourse. By displaying competency, dynamism, multiple and diverse perspectives, and a good deal of caring and individual attention, the classroom environment will be productive and rewarding for almost every student, not only those on a trajectory towards empowerment, involvement, and contribution.
Teaching Demo: Anna Teaching: MBA Course IBUS6201: International Marketing
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3