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1. Case Methodology

GW-CIBER (Department of Education) 2011-2012 Funding Cycle: $15,700 Project Title: “Development of a Guide to Case Writing for Business Language Instructors” (with Dr. Margaret Gonglewski)

GW-CIBER (Department of Education) 2010-2011 Funding Cycle: $ 10,962.40 Project Title: “Materials Development for An Advanced Business German Course” (with Dr. Margaret Gonglewski)

GW-CIBER (Department of Education) 2009-2010 Funding Cycle: $14,420 Project Title: “An Examination of Business Case Methodology: Pedagogical Synergies from Two Disciplines.” (with Dr. Margaret Gonglewski)

Business Language Research & Teaching (BLRT) CIBER (Department of Education) Consortium: 2008 Grant for Research on Business Language Pedagogy: $2,500 Project Title: “Business Cases in the Foreign Language Classroom: Best Practices Across Disciplines.” (with Dr. Margaret Gonglewski)

2. Service-Learning

GW Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service: Service-Learning Grant (partially supported by Serve DC and Learn and Serve America) 2010-2011 Funding Cycle: $2,500 Project Title: “Lessons from Around the Globe: Understanding the Context of Green Business”

3. Distance Learning

Online Learning Initiative (OLI) Course Development Grant, 2011-2012 Funding Cycle: $5,000 Course Title: Healthcare and Marketing Strategy: The Swedish Experience”

4. CleanTech & Sustainability

GreenLeaf Course Development Grant from the GW Institute for Sustainability, 2012 Funding Cycle: $2500. Course Title: “International Perspectives on Green Business.”

SWEA (Swedish Women’s Educational Association) Washington DC Scholarship, 2012 Funding Cycle: $3000. Project Title: “CleanTech Resource Site: US-Swedish Perspectives

5. Literature

1996 SWEA International Dissertation Scholarship (Given to a single person each calendar year). Project Title: “The Intersection of Economics and Aesthetics in Literary Texts.” Read more about Dr. Helm’s project.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.annahelm.com/research-expertise/grants/