About Nur Kitmitto
Program/concentration and graduation year at GWU: International Business and Marketing (Dual Degree)
Current Affiliation and Title: Andaz San Diego, Sales and Marketing Manager
Nur’s Testimonial about Dr. Helm
I have known Professor Helm since spring 2008 when I was a student in her International Marketing Management course. Over the past couple of years I have been fortunate enough to get to know Professor Helm better through off campus activities such as fundraisers and presentations which she has held.
During Professor Helm’s course, I learned more valuable information about international marketing and management than most comparable courses taken at the college level. Her practical teaching style and use of real life explanations related to her personal experiences helped me master the topics and theories taught. While explaining class subject matter and leading interesting discussions, she always displayed a clear sense of purpose which, in turn, created a sense of urgency to do well and master class tasks since they will be relevant to real life. Her energy and enthusiasm for international business and marketing motivated and inspired her students to achieve greater academic pursuits, and this made class exciting and interesting. Due to her overall teaching style and philosophy, class participation was always exceptionally lively and enlightening. Furthermore, the level of care she expressed to her students in and out of the classroom was exceptional. She made herself available almost 24 hours a day to students via email, extended office hours, and appointments. During the beginning phase of our marketing project I may have spent just as much time in the classroom as I did in her office receiving advice and guidance.
Due to the academic rigor of Professor Helm’s course, I not only gained an abundance of knowledge about international business, but I was also encouraged to mature and grow emotionally. Professor Helm made it clear from the first day of class that she held very high expectations of her students and that we should all be prepared for a lot of hard work. For example, all her students were required to take part in an extensive eight week group marketing project, which touched on the entire process of introducing a product or company into a new country. Due to the scope and amount of research needed to understand our assigned business and how the host country operates, it was imperative for my group to be structured, communicate effectively, and to set goals on a weekly basis. As a result, I was required to learn and utilize time management, organizational, research, leadership, and communicational skills. Furthermore, during the final class presentation we were videotaped and required to critique ourselves based on the video as well as our classmates’ comments. At the time I was reluctant to partake in the video but today I couldn’t be more grateful for this activity since I have improved in areas where I was weaker, capitalized on my strengths, and become more confident in my presentations. Professor Helm’s high expectations for all of her students support an enriching academic environment that fosters success. I carried this standard of excellence with me throughout the rest of my college career, which contributed to me graduating Summa Cum Laude.
While Professor Helm’s course was extremely demanding and intellectually challenging, I could not thank her more for the caliber of education that I received. Professor Helm’s comprehensive approach to teaching and work ethic make her an ideal candidate for a permanent teaching job in the IB Department at GWU. I have had numerous discussions with her former students and GWU alumni about the value a teacher like Professor Helm adds to a university. Professor Helm is the highest quality teacher I have ever had.